The Wauwatosa Bible Chapel

Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

What We Believe

That the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and is the sole authority and pattern for church practice, personal faith and conduct.

That there is one God, eternally existing in three Persons - Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

That the Lord, Jesus Christ, is the Son of God and came into the world as a man in order to become the Savior of all mankind.

That the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again, and ascended back into Heaven. Personal acceptance of Him as Savior is the essential and only way of Salvation.

That the Lord will return in the air for His people and will also return to the earth later to establish His Kingdom.

That there is one Church, which is the Body of Christ, composed of all true believers, of which the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, is the sole Head.

That the local church is a place where God's people may find rest, help, and encouragement. It is also a lighthouse to help those who are lost find the way of Salvation.

That partaking of the Lord's Supper is the privilege and responsibility of each one who is a child of God through faith in Christ. We welcome at the Lord's Supper all such believers

How Can I Be Born Again? The Good News

  1. You need the Savior because you are a sinner.
    1 Kings 8:46, Romans 3:23
  2. You need the Savior because you cannot save yourself.
    1 Timothy 1:15, Luke 19:10, Matthew 1:21
  3. You need the Savior because without Him you will perish.
    John 3:36, Luke 13:3, John 3:16
  4. You may have the Savior by accepting Him.
    John 1:12, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9
  5. If you have trusted the Savior, love, worship and serve Him.
    Praise - Psalm 34:1, Pray - Luke 18:1, Study - 2 Timothy 2:15, Fellowship - Acts 2:42 and Hebrews 10:25, Testimony - Psalm 119:172